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Zanzibar's World of Nuclear Energy

Zanzibar, Nuclear Hero

You have found the best place in the universe to explore the wonders of nuclear energy. Whether you are already a fan of nuclear energy or you are just a little curious about how nuclear energy improves life, this is a safe place for you.

My name is Zanzibar, and this is my world of nuclear energy. I hope you find lots of interesting and useful information about nuclear energy.

This platform has two types of spaces. One is designed to share information and perspectives with the world. It is open to everyone without limits. The other space is interactive, which is also open to anyone who creates a free account. Sign up, and have more fun.

A variety of topics and information

The menu at the top of the page will take you to the following areas.

News: Curated summaries of the biggest news, updated weekly. We provide highlights and commentary about what is happening in the world. We also point you to our sources to help you research further.

Essays: Everyone has opinions, and we are no different. Ours tend to support productive uses of nuclear energy, like generating power, curing cancer, and keeping us safe. This writing weaves a tapestry of positions and subjects, all related to nuclear energy. We do our best to debunk myths that are holding us back and give you empowering reframes to help you form your own opinions.

Links: Need help finding great information about nuclear energy? Some popular search engines are showing their bias. Our bias is for facts based on scientific study and real-world experience. Use this directory of links to discover what's out there.

Interactive features

The following features are interactive. Create a free account, and enjoy!

Flux This is where you can share your thoughts and express yourself to other nuclear enthusiasts. It's a lot like popular social media, only not as distracting. You won't get pulled in a thousand directions.

Try Flux

What Say You: Similar to Flux, this is for topic-centered discussions. Start a new topic or choose one that is already started. Write down your ideas, and invite others to respond with their own ideas and perspectives.

Start a topic or read and respond to what others have already written about.

Lessons: Learn about topics that are related to nuclear energy. We have a dozen lessons already, and we will keep building more.

Check out the course catalog.

Simulators: We are working on a fun way to learn about nuclear power. Soon, you can build and run your very own nuclear power plant simulation.

Let us know if you are interested in being a beta player.